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Minutes of Meeting
Town of Monson
Board of Assessors
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Members Present: Assessors Craig Benoit and Allan E. Curtis
Members Absent:  Chairman Russell Bressette Jr.
Principal Assessor: Ann P. Murphy

Open the Meeting:  The meeting was called to order at 11:07 am.  

Accept the Minutes: A motion was made by Craig and seconded by Allan to accept the April 16, 2009 minutes.


ATB:  The Board was informed that the ATB issued an extension of three months on the issuance of findings of fact report regarding the case of Sroka vs. Monson

Verison Wireless: The board was informed of a request from Michael Mupo, Executive Director of Property Tax for Verizon Wireless, regarding the case that is pending appeal.  The board was unanimous in their decision not to take action on it at this time until they know what negotiations are finalized between the MAAO and the wireless providers.

Excise:  The board voted to approve and signed the following Motor Vehicle Excise Commitments:
  • 2009 commitment 99 in the amount of $5,133.75
             The board voted to approve and signed the following Motor Vehicle & Trailer Abatements:
  • 2009  in the amount of $3,427.76
  • 2008  in the amount of $499.68
Tower View, LLC:  The board was informed that the principal assessor had contacted the owners of 288 Main St. and has set up a meeting for the board to view the progress of the property.

The board was updated on all miscellaneous items

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 11:00 a.m.

ADJOURN:  At 12:45 p.m, a motion was made by Craig and seconded by Allan to adjourn.  Motion passed unanimously.